Thanks, Spanx, and Family Pranks

Thanks, Spanx, and Family Pranks

Last year on Thanksgiving, I got a UTI because I wore Spanx tights for too many hours with a bladder full of wine. Big mistake and lesson learned.

[Is a UTI TMI for you? I mean, this blog is called The Taboo Textbook. What did you expect?]

The year before that, I taught my Grandma and Grandpa how to use a selfie stick.

thanksgiving selfie stick

And this year....

eat all the things thanksgiving

About the no dairy thing. A few months ago, I blogged about cutting dairy from my diet and for the most part, I've been sticking to it. However, I feel that it's unrealistic to say "I'm never eating dairy again!" because I obviously am going to eat dairy again. I will eat cheese and ice cream on special occasions, and I'll eat whatever the host cooks when I have dinner at someone else's house. Sometimes it's just about being polite, you know?

Okay, let's get down to some first-world thankfulness. I thank the universe:

For the recent job change I was able to make that allows me to work from home and focus on my writing.

For Joe, my god. He's the best.

For my fucking perfect family. I've always been lucky in the family column and have [mostly] always known it.

For my frenz. Happy 3-year Friendsgiving Friendiversary, Kristen!

For a reliable car. Up until about 3 years ago, I had chronic expensive and stressful car trouble that is making my neck tense just thinking about it. My current car gets me where I need to be, only requires normal maintenance, and stays climate-controlled. For that, I am utterly grateful.

I’m thankful for my home, and my body, and advancements in technology.

I’m thankful for a fiancé who listens when I go on and on about injustice in the world and how men abuse their power in obvious and not-so-obvious ways.

I’m thankful for Lindy West and Rachel Maddow.

I’m thankful for Pantsuit Nation and Obama. I’m thankful for my freedom of speech and freedom of choice and net neutrality.

And for my blog readers. I’m thankful for ya’ll too.

Happy Spanxgiving. Let's eat!

family thanksgiving prank